Soulmate Games: The Games Soulmates Play

Soulmate Games: The Games Soulmates Play

Soulmate games are pretty much the same games everyone plays in other relationships. The big difference, however, is that soulmates tend to get away with more than others. Many people believe soulmates should be above playing games. The truth is, that’s how it should be. But the fact is, that’s not how it is. SOULMATE … Read more

Is Your Soulmate a Control Freak? 10 Easy Tests

Is Your Soulmate a Control Freak? 10 Easy Tests

Is your soulmate a control freak? Do you feel like you can’t make any simple decision for yourself without their input? Do you have to dress a certain way or face the consequences? Does your soulmate think their way is the only right way to do things? Has your soulmate has taken control over almost … Read more

Soulmate Obsession: The Dark Side of a Soulmate Connection

Soulmate Obsession: The Dark Side of a Soulmate Connection

Soulmate obsession is very real. Sometimes the strong connection you feel for someone can transform to a darker place. Sometimes it happens when people meet a soulmate. The love for them can become an obsession. They feel so much too soon. Now they want to move the relationship along quickly to reach the finish line. … Read more

You’re Not Crazy, Your Soulmate Relationship Is

You're Not Crazy, Your Soulmate Relationship Is

You’re not crazy but is your soulmate driving you crazy? Soulmate relationships have many ways of making people feel like they’re insane and becoming someone they don’t recognize. Many are just out of control. You don’t know how to do it, but you know you need to get control of yourself. You don’t even know … Read more

Identifying a False Soulmate

Identifying a False Soulmate

Sometimes people meet a false soulmate instead of a true one. The problem is, a false soulmate will have things in common with a real soulmate. Unfortunately this can convince someone they’ve actually found their soulmate. IT LOOKS AND FEELS LIKE A SOULMATE A false soulmate can come into your life with what appears to … Read more

Is Your Soulmate Emotionally Immature?

Is Your Soulmate Emotionally Immature?

Is your soulmate emotionally immature and causing problems in your relationship? Do they exhibit inappropriate behavior that drives you nuts and causes friction between you? Does your soulmate say rude comments in front of your family members during holiday parties? Do they act out in public or throw tantrums like a three-year old? Is your … Read more

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