Vulnerability and Soulmates


Vulnerability is needed on a soulmate journey. With every relationship you must allow yourself to be vulnerable to the other person. As your feelings grow, you naturally become more vulnerable to them. To be vulnerable to someone makes you susceptible to the pain and hurt they cause by hurting your feelings. It means you allow … Read more

Signs You Have a Soul Contract With Someone

Signs You Have a Soul Contract With Someone

A soul contract is an agreement we make with other souls before each lifetime. These souls agree to assist you with lessons or experiences, and vice versa. These lessons are essential for spiritual growth and enlightenment. They are important components of our spiritual journey.  We take this growth forward with us either as we complete … Read more

10 Ways of Recognizing Soulmate Energy

0 Ways of Recognizing Soulmate Energy

Soulmate energy is a unique energy that exists between two soulmates. Here are 10 simple ways to recognize soulmate energy: 1. Right away you feel an energy surge with this person right off the bat. It feels a fire has been lit deep within your soul. There is a spark, that is beyond just chemistry, … Read more

Are Soulmate Relationships Destined to Last?

Are Soulmate Relationships Destined to Last?

Is my soulmate relationship destined to last? The answer to this question is not really. You were destined to meet your soulmate. The universe made sure of that. And they will make sure it happens according to divine timing. However, what becomes of that first encounter is up to the two soulmates. Not all soulmate … Read more

Soulmates Guide Their Relationship Success

Soulmates Guide Their Relationship Success

Soulmates guide and support one another down a spiritual path to create better versions of themselves. While that sounds good on paper, that’s not what always happens. SOULMATES GUIDE ONE ANOTHER Unless you’re one of the lucky ones, chances are your soulmate may try to guide you down the wrong path. If you’re not on … Read more

Soulmate Songs

Soulmate Songs

Soulmate songs are everywhere and if you listen very closely to the lyrics of these you will see the great poetry in them that speaks to the soul deep love connection between two soulmates in a loving soulmate relationship, when they are together and when they are apart. OUR FAVORITE SOULMATE SONGS Soul of My … Read more

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