Vulnerability and Soulmates


Vulnerability is needed on a soulmate journey. With every relationship you must allow yourself to be vulnerable to the other person. As your feelings grow, you naturally become more vulnerable to them. To be vulnerable to someone makes you susceptible to the pain and hurt they cause by hurting your feelings. It means you allow … Read more

Are Soulmate Relationships Destined to Last?

Are Soulmate Relationships Destined to Last?

Is my soulmate relationship destined to last? The answer to this question is not really. You were destined to meet your soulmate. The universe made sure of that. And they will make sure it happens according to divine timing. However, what becomes of that first encounter is up to the two soulmates. Not all soulmate … Read more

Are Soulmates Made for Each Other?

Are Soulmates Made for Each Other?

Are soulmates made for each other? Most people who believe in the concept of soulmates think so. But what does this really mean? Soulmates made for each other for what purpose? It can’t be just for a romance, can it? If the universe creates soulmates they have to have a higher purpose, right? Exactly, there … Read more

Karmic Relationship or Soulmate Relationship?

Karmic Relationship or Soulmate Relationship?

A karmic relationship and soulmate relationship can feel very similar. As a matter of fact, it may be somewhat difficult for you to determine if you’re in karmic or soulmate connection while you’re in the middle of it. These relationships are important because you will be working through some of your karmic debt with that … Read more

Actions Speak Louder Than Words in Soulmate Relationships

Actions Speak Louder Than Words in Soulmate Relationships

Actions speak louder than words in soulmate relationships. This is actually a common lesson most soulmates must learn to keep their relationship on track. When actions don’t support spoken words, the words are meaningless. The same holds true for your soulmate. If they’re telling you how much you mean to them, but their actions don’t … Read more

Can I Bring My Soulmate Back to Me?

Can I Bring My Soulmate Back to Me?

Can I bring my soulmate back to me after our break-up? This is one of the most common questions people ask us. So we decided to discuss it with an article. There’s nothing more difficult than a soulmate break-up. The grieving process is extremely hard and many going through it really struggle. During this tough … Read more

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