Responsibility That Comes with Soulmate Connections

Responsibility That Comes with Soulmate Connections

The responsibility that comes with soulmate connections is not talked about very often. RESPONSIBILITY VERSUS ROMANCE So much is written when it comes to the romance side of the connection between soulmates. When you first meet you usually feel butterflies in your stomach. Many soulmates report feeling weak in the knees when they look into … Read more

Your Spiritual Journey with Your Soulmate

The Spiritual Journey with Your Soulmate

Your spiritual journey goes hand in hand with your soulmate. Actually you don’t even have to be on a spiritual journey to first encounter a soulmate Some people meet their soulmate when they’ve been on a spiritual journey for some time. Some others haven’t really even taken their first steps. ONE SOULMATE IS MORE SPIRITUALLY … Read more

The Purpose of Soulmate Relationships

The Purpose of Soulmate Relationships

The purpose of soulmate relationships is not to provide the greatest romance of your life. If only it were that simple. The true purpose of a soulmate relationship is to make each of you a better person. This occurs by bringing about personal change and spiritual growth. They don’t call them “growing pains” for nothing. … Read more

How Has Your Soulmate Relationship Changed You?

How has Your Soulmate Relationship Changed You?

Has your soulmate relationship changed you? Surely it has. A soulmate relationship is going to bring major changes into your life. We’re not just talking about the kind of change where you will have a closely connected romantic partnership. But change that results from dealing with your soulmate relationship. Hopefully you will change, grow and … Read more

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