You Can’t Pick or Choose a Soulmate ~ The Universe Does

You Can't Pick or Choose a Soulmate

You can’t pick or choose a soulmate. That’s not up to you. You don’t get to decide what eye color your soulmate will have, how tall they’ll be or anything else for that matter. You can’t just slap the soulmate label on any intense relationship you have either. Too many people decide that a dysfunctional … Read more

Soulmates Can Always Find a Way

Soulmates Can Always Find a Way

Soulmates can always find a way to create a healthy, happy, long-lasting relationship. Since the soulmate connection is there, so they really have all they need. What really makes or breaks a soulmate relationship is what they do with that connection. Soulmates can always find a way to make that connection work if they’re both … Read more

When a Soulmate Enters Your Life, Something Must Exit

When a Soulmate Enters Your Life, Something Must Exit

When a soulmate enters your life, something must also exit your life. This goes for both of you. A soulmate entering your life brings up certain behaviors, ways of thinking and lifestyles that have to go. For the couple to thrive they must let go of what is no longer serving them. If you’re getting … Read more

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