Excuses Keep You Stuck in a Dysfunctional Soulmate Relationship

Excuses Keep You Stuck in a Dysfunctional Soulmate Relationship

Making excuses for your soulmate will keep you stuck in a dysfunctional soulmate relationship. Excuses don’t create change. They also don’t make a soulmate relationship better. We hear many excuses from people who believe they’re in a soulmate relationship. They either use them to justify their own behavior or their soulmate’s. Either way, all they’re … Read more

When You Can’t Find Your Soulmate

When You Can't Find Your Soulmate

When you can’t find your soulmate it’s very frustrating. You feel like you’ve been searching for them for a what seems like an eternity. Why haven’t you found them yet? What must you do to find your soulmate? Many of you have either spent a lot of time alone waiting for them to show up. … Read more

Soulmate Relationship of Psyche and Cupid

Soulmate Relationship of Psyche and Cupid

The love story of Psyche and Cupid tells all about a beautiful soulmate relationship. It’s a story from Metamorphoses, written in the second century. Psyche is the Greek word for butterfly as well as soul. The tale tells how Psyche and Cupid overcome obstacles to love and their ultimate divine union. PSYCHE AND CUPID ARE ETERNAL … Read more

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