Soulmate Monogamy is Not Guaranteed

Soulmate Monogamy is Not Guaranteed

Soulmate monogamy is not guaranteed in any soulmate relationship. Many people believe that simply because someone is their soulmate, monogamy will be part of the package. They have no idea soulmate relationships can have just as much, if not more, issues than other relationships. Of course there are some soulmate relationships where a couple maintains … Read more

Are Soulmate Relationships Always Exclusive?

Are Soulmate Relationships Always Exclusive?

Are soulmate relationships always exclusive? No, not always they’re not. A spiritual connection doesn’t automatically come with exclusivity. The couple is responsible for adding that to the relationship they create together. The choices they make determine the quality of their relationship. It’s up to them to decide if they are going to raise or lower … Read more

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