Is My Soulmate Seeing Someone Else?

Is My Soulmate Seeing Someone Else?

Is my soulmate seeing someone else? This question seems to come up constantly whenever someone’s soulmate starts behaving oddly. Even if they know for a fact that their soulmate is knee-deep in a work project and completely stressed out about it. They still ask us “Is my soulmate seeing someone else?” ARE THEY REALLY SEEING … Read more

Do Soulmates Always Forgive and Forget?

Do Soulmates Always Forgive and Forget?

Do soulmates always forgive and forget? Many books and movies lead people to the false conclusion that soulmates always forgive and forget. That simply isn’t true. Even a soulmate can reach a point where they can’t forgive or forget something their soulmate has done to hurt them. A lot of people out there think no … Read more

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