Are Soulmate Relationships Destined to Last?

Are Soulmate Relationships Destined to Last?

Is my soulmate relationship destined to last? The answer to this question is not really. You were destined to meet your soulmate. The universe made sure of that. And they will make sure it happens according to divine timing. However, what becomes of that first encounter is up to the two soulmates. Not all soulmate … Read more

Soulmate Songs

Soulmate Songs

Soulmate songs are everywhere and if you listen very closely to the lyrics of these you will see the great poetry in them that speaks to the soul deep love connection between two soulmates in a loving soulmate relationship, when they are together and when they are apart. OUR FAVORITE SOULMATE SONGS Soul of My … Read more

Soulmate Empathy: Sharing Your Soulmate’s Feelings

Soulmate Empathy: Sharing Your Soulmate's Feelings

Empathy is the ability to sense other people’s emotions, thoughts and feelings. Most soulmates have empathic connections, so they will experience what their soulmate may be feeling. Having empathy with your soulmate can be very challenging at times. The more open and accepting soulmates are to their connection, the stronger their empathy towards one another. … Read more

How to Deal with a Selfish Soulmate

How to Deal with a Selfish Soulmate

How do you deal with a selfish soulmate? With a selfish soulmate your relationship is very one-sided. And your needs won’t be met. We all want to express love to our soulmate and expect nothing in return for it. Because we know soulmate relationships are about unconditional love. That works fine for most couples. But … Read more

A Soulmate Runner Runs From a Soulmate Connection

A Soulmate Runner Runs From a Soulmate Connection

Is your soulmate a runner who runs like hell from your connection? This happens in almost every soulmate relationship. But many don’t know how to handle it. A soulmate runner will leave you feeling like the rug has been pulled out from under you. When a soulmate leaves you can become an emotional mess. This … Read more

Soulmate Sabotage: Have They Been Hurt Before?

Soulmate Sabotage: Have They Been Hurt Before?

Sabotage happens in soulmate relationships for numerous reasons. One of the main reasons is because they’ve been hurt in previous relationships. Due to the deep connection being vulnerable to being hurt again can be a very frightening thing. SABOTAGE TO PREVENT GETTING HURT No one wants to get hurt. But we all have to take … Read more

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