Social Media Can Ruin Soulmate Relationships

Social Media Can Ruin Soulmate Relationships

Social media can ruin soulmate relationships. Many people use social media to keep in touch with family, friends, loved ones and even strangers. Social media started out as a great, positive way to draw us closer to people who may be geographically far away. SOCIAL MEDIA CAN BE GOOD BUT ALSO BAD But all good things … Read more

Lies Between Soulmates Will Destroy Your Relationship

Lies Between Soulmates Will Destroy Your Relationship

Lies between soulmates will destroy the trust in their relationship. One lie often leads to many more. Once you lie, you often have to create more lies to backup your original lie. Many people try to find truth in lies and that’s a big mistake. Its shocking and disappointing to catch a soulmate in lies. … Read more

Soulmate Guidance for Soulmate Relationships

Soulmate Guidance for Soulmate Relationships

Soulmate guidance is often needed in soulmate relationships. Deep emotions and a strong bond make it easy for soulmates to think with their heart rather than their brain. It is hard to use logic and see solutions to their issues when their emotions have taken the wheel. SOULMATE GUIDANCE FROM FAMILY AND FRIENDS Getting soulmate … Read more

Is Your Soulmate Relationship Out of Control?

Is Your Soulmate Relationship Out of Control?

Is your soulmate relationship out of control? It can feel very isolating when things get really bad between soulmates. You’re afraid to tell your friends and family about it because you know what they will say. What can you do to fix a soulmate relationship that is out of control? SIGNS YOUR SOULMATE RELATIONSHIP IS … Read more

Soulmate Relationship Commitment Issues

Soulmate Relationship Commitment Issues

Soulmate relationships can have commitment issues just like every other relationship. People are under the misconception that soulmates come into each other’s lives when they are both ready. This is far from the truth. Just because you’re ready for your soulmate doesn’t mean the universe will deliver them right away. Soulmates enter our lives using … Read more

Allowing Bad Behavior Because of Soulmate Connection

Allowing Bad Behavior

Do you allow bad behavior because you’re soulmates? Supporting bad behavior seems to be a trend with many  soulmates. And they wouldn’t tolerate it in any other relationship. BAD BEHAVIOR LOWERS YOUR STANDARDS Why are soulmates lowering their relationship standards when they should be raising them higher? How is the connection an excuse for putting … Read more

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