Why are Soulmate Relationships so Difficult?

Why are Soulmate Relationships so Difficult?

Soulmate relationships are difficult. Who said they would be easy? There is a great misconception that soulmate relationships are filled with roses, candlelight dinners and long walks on the beach. And that there’s infinite talking, or texting, until wee hours of the morning, until the end of time. But this is simply just not true. … Read more

Holidays Without Your Soulmate

Holidays Without Your Soulmate

The holidays are often a hard time for soulmates. If you have lost a soulmate, it may be very tempting to reach out to them during this time. As the holidays approach, it’s a time for us to think about what means the most to us. That is usually our relationships. And this includes soulmate … Read more

Dark Night of the Soul and Soulmate Relationships

Dark Night of the Soul and Soulmate Relationships

A dark night of the soul is often considered to be a crisis point in one’s relationship with the Universe. The ultimate outcome for a dark night of the soul, is union with the Divine. To reach that union, however, one must travel through the darkness. And in doing so one will have a dark … Read more

Soulmate BreakUps: Will You Get Back Together or Is it Over?

Soulmate BreakUps: Will You Get Back Together?

Soulmate breakups are difficult to deal with and there will not always be a reunion for the couple. The couple can reunite of course. Whether they do or not can depend on what’s in their soulmate contract. There are no guarantees from the Universe that soulmates are destined to be together forever. And it’s a … Read more

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