Valentine’s Day Without a Soulmate

Valentine’s Day without a soulmate can make many people feel depressed.

This is especially true if they’ve been single for a while or have recently ended a relationship. They see happy couples all around them and ads for romantic gifts all over the media.

This can leave many wondering why they’re spending Valentine’s Day without a soulmate. They wonder how many more will pass before a soulmate enters their life and they no longer have to spend Valentine’s Day alone.


It can be both frustrating and depressing. Your career is on track, you take good care of yourself, have your finances in order and feel the only thing missing in your life is a stable soulmate relationship. Well where the hell are they? What is taking so long? Did they get lost?

As we discuss numerous times, soulmate relationships are not just about romance. They have a very different purpose. They’re about learning life lessons and growing as individuals as well as a couple. You may believe 1000% the time is right to meet your soulmate but the universe may not. Being unable to control if and when your soulmate shows up, is a hard pill to swallow.

People don’t like waiting in general, especially when we feel we’re ready. When a soulmate doesn’t show up for you, you feel as if the universe is abandoning or ignoring you. Some people can even become angry and bitter about it and blame God or the universe.


It doesn’t seem fair and you don’t think it’s fair. You see the commercials of blissful couples celebrating Valentine’s Day together and want to smash the television to pieces. The stores have been flooded, since the day after Christmas, advertising red, white and pink goodies for their loved ones. Even going grocery shopping is not a safe haven for your emotions as their entrances are overflowing with goodies, flowers and stuffed animals. There seems to be no escape.

Valentine's Day Without a Soulmate
Valentine’s Day Without a Soulmate

All of this over the top, in your face, Valentine’s Day over-commercialism, can make many people feel like a loser. Others feel they’re being punished in some way.

The way to deal with all of this nonsense is by putting it into perspective.

First of all, the universe doesn’t create soulmate connections for the sake of Valentine’s Day. Valentine’s Day was created in Victorian times. And not by the universe, so it really isn’t their concern. It’s not their job to be Cupid who puts together blissfully happy couples. They have more important things going on.


Soulmate relationships are usually tumultuous, and in many ways a series of tests. These tests are HARD. And until both soulmates pass them, there’s a lot of drama and a lot less romance. You have to earn the happily ever after.

Valentine’s Day is a retail holiday.

We can all thank Hallmark for that. This has nothing to do with a spiritual connection.

Remember it only lasts for 24-hours. And most of the people receiving Valentine’s Day tokens, gifts or flowers from their loved ones are doing so out of obligation. It’s just an over-commercialized day that Hallmark rakes in the $$$- cha-ching!!!

For the soulmates that get it right, every day is Valentine’s Day.

So don’t lose hope! Just don’t focus on the Valentine’s Day you may be spending alone, because there’s always next year. Keep your chin up and keep the faith that one day you will be with your soulmate on Valentine’s Day!

This is the time to do something to special for yourself and celebrate YOU! Get a massage, have dinner with other single friends, buy yourself some flower and chocolate covered strawberries. Whatever you do, empower yourself by practicing positive self care and self love.


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