Do You Believe in Soulmates?

Do You Believe in Soulmates?

Do you believe in soulmates? Many people who believe in soulmates and are on a quest to find theirs. There are many dating apps and websites that claim they can help people find their soulmates. For many people, no ordinary relationship will do. They will not stop searching until they find their one true love. … Read more

Ending a Soulmate Relationship

Ending Your Soulmate Relationship

Ending a soulmate relationship is one of the toughest things anyone will ever do. There are many reasons for calling it quits with a soulmate. For some it’s simply that they finally have enough of bad behavior. They love their soulmate and still feel the connection. And they’ve given their soulmate numerous chances to change, … Read more

Is He My Soulmate? Is She My Soulmate?

Is He My Soulmate? Is She My Soulmate?

Is he my soulmate? Is she my soulmate? Many people call us seeking validation to these questions. Here are some hypothetical scenarios and common questions we get to help decide for yourself if they’re truly your soulmate. IS HE MY SOULMATE? IS SHE MY SOULMATE? 1. Is my ex my soulmate? I am still in … Read more

Do Opposites Attract in Soulmate Relationships?

Do Opposites Attract in Soulmate Relationships?

Do opposites attract in soulmate relationships? Everyone has heard that opposites attract. Could this possibly be true for soulmate relationships? When people see a soulmate for the first time, they’re surprised in many ways. The intense connection is a new experience many don’t believe unless it happens to them. There are many unique similarities within … Read more

A Soulmate Connection is a Two-way Street

A Soulmate Connection is a Two-way Street

A soulmate connection is a two way street. Both soulmates connect to each other. Many people are looking for a soulmate connection and many actually believe they’re in a soulmate relationship. This is all well and good, but what if the romantic partner doesn’t feel the same way? Is it really a soulmate connection if they … Read more

Soulmate Relationship of Psyche and Cupid

Soulmate Relationship of Psyche and Cupid

The love story of Psyche and Cupid tells all about a beautiful soulmate relationship. It’s a story from Metamorphoses, written in the second century. Psyche is the Greek word for butterfly as well as soul. The tale tells how Psyche and Cupid overcome obstacles to love and their ultimate divine union. PSYCHE AND CUPID ARE ETERNAL … Read more

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