Insecurity in Soulmate Relationships is Very Common

Insecurity in Soulmate Relationships is Very Common

Insecurity in soulmate relationships tends to show up at one time or another. A soulmate connection is so strong and unlike anything ever experienced before. There is no other life experience to draw upon. It’s hard to believe your own emotions when meeting your soulmate. So how can you believe your soulmate could have the … Read more

Is Your Soulmate a Control Freak? 10 Easy Tests

Is Your Soulmate a Control Freak? 10 Easy Tests

Is your soulmate a control freak? Do you feel like you can’t make any simple decision for yourself without their input? Do you have to dress a certain way or face the consequences? Does your soulmate think their way is the only right way to do things? Has your soulmate has taken control over almost … Read more

Soulmate Tests: Are You Passing or Failing?

Soulmate Tests: Are You Passing or Failing?

Is your soulmate failing all the soulmate tests the universe is presenting to you both individually and as a couple? Has your soulmate turned their back on you or denied your soulmate connection? Have they tested your strength and sanity with irrational or cruel behavior? Has your soulmate disappeared, refusing to see or speak to … Read more

Your Job in a Soulmate Relationship

Your Job in a Soulmate Relationship

Your job in a soulmate relationship is not to simply sit back and enjoy the love and romance. Quite the contrary. Your job in a soulmate relationship will be a lot of hard work. During certain times you may even think of quitting. Soulmate relationships are difficult ones. They’re not an easy road to travel. … Read more

Do You Forgive Everything Your Soulmate Does?

Do You Forgive Everything Your Soulmate Does?

Do you forgive everything your soulmate does? Do you believe it’s part of your soulmate journey to forgive everything they do or say? That’s a common misconception about soulmates. It is not required that you ignore all red flags. Nor should you lower your standards or fail to enforce boundaries. If you forgive everything they … Read more

Why are Soulmate Relationships so Difficult?

Why are Soulmate Relationships so Difficult?

Soulmate relationships are difficult. Who said they would be easy? There is a great misconception that soulmate relationships are filled with roses, candlelight dinners and long walks on the beach. And that there’s infinite talking, or texting, until wee hours of the morning, until the end of time. But this is simply just not true. … Read more

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