When Your Soulmate is Married to Someone Else

When Your Soulmate is Married to Someone Else

When your soulmate is married to someone else, you may wonder if the universe is playing a sick joke on you. Your meeting had so much intensity. The connection is undeniable to both of you. Everything would be perfect if one, or both of you, wasn’t MARRIED. You weren’t looking to fall in love with … Read more

Do Soulmates Forget Each Other?

Do Soulmates Forget Each Other?

Do soulmates forget each other? Will your soulmate be able to forget you with the passage of time? Are you worried that if you have no contact with them memories of you will fade? SOULMATES DON’T FORGET EACH OTHER It’s not easy to forget a soulmate. The deep connection between soulmates is such a significant … Read more

Soulmate’s Ex Causing Interference in Your Relationship

Soulmate's Ex Causing Interference in Your Relationship

Is your soulmate’s ex causing interference in your relationship? If so, you will probably become angry and insecure. You wonder if your soulmate still has feelings for them they need to resolve. You have heard them say so many bad things about their ex. Yet they still keep interfering. Why does the ex seem to … Read more

Did Your Soulmate Move Too Fast?

Did Your Soulmate Move Too Fast?

Did your soulmate move too fast? Did your soulmate go from zero to sixty in no time flat? If they did, that’s quite normal. The connection between soulmates seems to speed up the progression of the relationship. Usually there is not even a dating phase. The couple goes from meeting for the first time to … Read more

Are Soulmate Relationships Always Exclusive?

Are Soulmate Relationships Always Exclusive?

Are soulmate relationships always exclusive? No, not always they’re not. A spiritual connection doesn’t automatically come with exclusivity. The couple is responsible for adding that to the relationship they create together. The choices they make determine the quality of their relationship. It’s up to them to decide if they are going to raise or lower … Read more

Getting Off the Soulmate Merry-Go-Round

Getting Off the Soulmate Merry-Go-Round

Once you get on the soulmate merry-go-round it can be tough to get off it. At first you really enjoyed the ride. You and your soulmate were having such a wonderful time. But now that ride has taken a turn for the worse and is not as enjoyable. You didn’t sign up for a ride … Read more

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