Has Your Soulmate Lost Their Feelings for You?

Has Your Soulmate Lost Their Feelings for You?

Has your soulmate lost their feelings for you? Have they gone from a loving, caring person to a cold, unfeeling one you no longer recognize? Soulmates, for many reasons, always seem to worry about the other losing their feelings. In some ways it’s understandable. You love your soulmate deeply and you feel deep into that … Read more

Have You Lost Trust in Your Soulmate?

Have You Lost Trust in Your Soulmate?

Have you lost trust in your soulmate? Do they do or say things that causes you to distrust them? Does your soulmate have so many issues you’re not sure you can believe a single word they say? Do you wish you could trust your soulmate but you can’t because of your past? It’s hard for … Read more

Soulmate Confusion in Soulmate Relationships

Soulmate Confusion in Soulmate Relationships

Soulmate confusion happens in many soulmate relationships. At first the connection alone brings a ton of confusion. People wonder why they’re feeling such a strong tie to someone new. It’s hard not to wonder if the connection is all in their head. The confusion as to whether or not the connection is even real, can … Read more

Stop Trying to Make the Wrong Person Your Soulmate

Stop Trying to Make the Wrong Person Your Soulmate

Are you trying to make the wrong person your soulmate? The wrong person will not be your soulmate no matter how hard you try. Not everyone you have strong feelings for is a soulmate. Not everyone you have a crazy relationship with is a soulmate. Great chemistry does not mean they’re your soulmate. Not everyone … Read more

Soulmate Denial: When Your Soulmate Denies the Connection

Soulmate Denial: When Your Soulmate Denies the Connection

Soulmate denial is very real in many soulmate relationships. How can someone be in denial of such a strong connection? When you meet your soulmate, chances are one or both of you, will go through soulmate denial. For most soulmates, the unique emotional response, and super intense feelings, make them question everything that’s happening. FEAR … Read more

Soulmate Stress – How Do You Handle It?

Soulmate Stress

Soulmate stress is very different from mundane relationship stress. Due to the all-encompassing emotions and profound connection, soulmate stress is in a class of its own. Any relationship can make you lose your mind to a certain degree. But when it comes to soulmate stress, people often go off the deep end. They lose sleep, … Read more

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