The Memory of a Soulmate and How It Affects You

The Memory of a Soulmate and How It Affects You

The memory of a soulmate affects different people in different ways. For some, the memory of a soulmate keeps them wondering what went wrong in their relationship. They can obsess on what they did wrong or what they could have done differently. Some also wonder if the whole thing was a figment of their imagination. … Read more

Not All Soulmate Relationships are Meant to Last

Not All Soulmate Relationships are Meant to Last

Not all soulmate relationships are meant to last. Souls come together for a reason or a season. But they’re rarely together for a lifetime. It would be great if all these connections end in happily ever after. Unfortunately, this can’t be the case. BUT AREN’T WE MEANT TO BE? You may be with your soulmate. … Read more

Soulmate Fears Can Ruin a Soulmate Relationship

Soulmate Fears

Soulmate fears are one of the top challenges soulmates must face. When both the emotional and logical sides of soulmates are often at odds with one another, fears will rise to the surface. If those fears get out of control, the relationship often goes out of control. When our emotions get the better of us, … Read more

Soulmate Depression: How To Survive

Soulmate Depression: How To Survive

Soulmate depression comes in many forms. One form of soulmate depression is when one partner is bringing dysfunctional behavior into the relationship. When things are not going well, and chaos and drama are a part of daily life, it’s easy to understand why one would be in a state of depression. Of course you didn’t … Read more

Why are Soulmate Relationships so Difficult?

Why are Soulmate Relationships so Difficult?

Soulmate relationships are difficult. Who said they would be easy? There is a great misconception that soulmate relationships are filled with roses, candlelight dinners and long walks on the beach. And that there’s infinite talking, or texting, until wee hours of the morning, until the end of time. But this is simply just not true. … Read more

Wrong Reasons to Stay with a Soulmate

Wrong reasons to Stay with a Soulmate

There are many wrong reasons people stay with a soulmate. Soulmate connections give people the idea they must stay together at all costs. People use the connection as a reason to allow bad behavior and mistreatment in relationships. We understand how difficult it is to let a soulmate go. But sometimes it’s even harder to … Read more

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