Is Your Soulmate Testing You?

Is Your Soulmate Testing you

Is your soulmate testing you? You may not even be aware these tests are even happening. If you keep failing these tests, your soulmate relationship will suffer greatly. SOULMATE TESTING YOU WITH BOUNDARIES Soulmates tend to test one another by using boundaries. They want to see just how much you will tolerate as well as … Read more

Does Your Soulmate Act Like a Child?

Does Your Soulmate Act Like a Child?

Does your soulmate act like a child times? Or all the time? Soulmates bring to mind such romantic words and feelings, that it’s hard to believe a soulmate could act out, but they can. Aren’t soulmates supposed to be perfect for us ?And isn’t the relationship supposed to be like it is in the movies? … Read more

Soulmate Games: The Games Soulmates Play

Soulmate Games: The Games Soulmates Play

Soulmate games are pretty much the same games everyone plays in other relationships. The big difference, however, is that soulmates tend to get away with more than others. Many people believe soulmates should be above playing games. The truth is, that’s how it should be. But the fact is, that’s not how it is. SOULMATE … Read more

Are You in a Bad Soulmate Relationship?

Are You in a Bad Soulmate Relationship?

A bad soulmate relationship seems to be more commonplace these days than ever before. Communication has broken down so badly that some either barely speak or fight all the time. Control issues, insecurity, and disrespect have taken over and the couple are at odds with one another. Things have gotten so bad that the soulmates … Read more

Soulmate Tests: Are You Passing or Failing?

Soulmate Tests: Are You Passing or Failing?

Is your soulmate failing all the soulmate tests the universe is presenting to you both individually and as a couple? Has your soulmate turned their back on you or denied your soulmate connection? Have they tested your strength and sanity with irrational or cruel behavior? Has your soulmate disappeared, refusing to see or speak to … Read more

Do You Forgive Everything Your Soulmate Does?

Do You Forgive Everything Your Soulmate Does?

Do you forgive everything your soulmate does? Do you believe it’s part of your soulmate journey to forgive everything they do or say? That’s a common misconception about soulmates. It is not required that you ignore all red flags. Nor should you lower your standards or fail to enforce boundaries. If you forgive everything they … Read more

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