Vulnerability and Soulmates


Vulnerability is needed on a soulmate journey. With every relationship you must allow yourself to be vulnerable to the other person. As your feelings grow, you naturally become more vulnerable to them. To be vulnerable to someone makes you susceptible to the pain and hurt they cause by hurting your feelings. It means you allow … Read more

Signs Your Soulmate Misses You

Signs Your Soulmate Misses You

There are signs your soulmate misses you when you’re apart from each other or in separation. The relationship may have ended, at least for the time being. Although there may be other circumstances keeping the soulmates apart. You know how much you miss your soulmate, but how can you tell if your soulmate misses you … Read more

Ghosting in Soulmate Relationships

Ghosting in Soulmate Relationships

Ghosting in soulmate relationships happens way too often. WHAT IS GHOSTING? Ghosting is ending a relationship by ceasing all communication with no goodbye conversation, email, phone call or text. Your soulmate literally disappears from your life and then refuses to have anything to do with you. No reason or warning will be given. The ghost … Read more

Actions Speak Louder Than Words in Soulmate Relationships

Actions Speak Louder Than Words in Soulmate Relationships

Actions speak louder than words in soulmate relationships. This is actually a common lesson most soulmates must learn to keep their relationship on track. When actions don’t support spoken words, the words are meaningless. The same holds true for your soulmate. If they’re telling you how much you mean to them, but their actions don’t … Read more

Soulmate Telepathy – Sharing Thoughts With Your Soulmate

Soulmate Telepathy: Sharing Thoughts with Your Soulmate

Soulmate telepathy is very common in spiritual partnerships. Soulmates periodically pick up each others thoughts and feelings. Some get a specific message, as if they have read their partner’s mind. They will sometimes answer a question that hasn’t been asked by their soulmate. As for emotions, they may know the mood of their soulmate before … Read more

Soulmate Connection Test, Are You With Your Soulmate?

Soulmate Connection Test, Are You With Your Soulmate?

A soulmate connection test will reveal if you’re with your soulmate. How can you tell if it’s just passion, love or infatuation? No one truly knows what it’s like to be connected on such a deep spiritual level, until they find themselves in a soulmate connection. Usually asking friends and family won’t help much either. … Read more

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