Differences Between Soulmates and Twin Flames

Differences Between Soulmates and Twin Flames

Many people think soulmates and twin flames are the same thing. Although there are similarities, soulmates and twin flames are different and can’t be the same. Thanks to books, movies and television, soulmates and twin flames are also often believed to be relationships whose purpose is all about romance and close to perfection. These relationships are … Read more

Insecurity in Soulmate Relationships is Very Common

Insecurity in Soulmate Relationships is Very Common

Insecurity in soulmate relationships tends to show up at one time or another. A soulmate connection is so strong and unlike anything ever experienced before. There is no other life experience to draw upon. It’s hard to believe your own emotions when meeting your soulmate. So how can you believe your soulmate could have the … Read more

Is Your Soulmate a Control Freak? 10 Easy Tests

Is Your Soulmate a Control Freak? 10 Easy Tests

Is your soulmate a control freak? Do you feel like you can’t make any simple decision for yourself without their input? Do you have to dress a certain way or face the consequences? Does your soulmate think their way is the only right way to do things? Has your soulmate has taken control over almost … Read more

Synchronicity and Soulmate Connections

Synchronicity and Soulmate Connections

Synchronicity occurs when one of life’s little meaningful coincidences are placed in your path. A synchronicity is created when people, places or events are brought together. It can highlight something going on in your life where you may need assistance. When we are aware enough to see them, we see our lives are filled with … Read more

Soulmate Depression: How To Survive

Soulmate Depression: How To Survive

Soulmate depression comes in many forms. One form of soulmate depression is when one partner is bringing dysfunctional behavior into the relationship. When things are not going well, and chaos and drama are a part of daily life, it’s easy to understand why one would be in a state of depression. Of course you didn’t … Read more

Are You in a Bad Soulmate Relationship?

Are You in a Bad Soulmate Relationship?

A bad soulmate relationship seems to be more commonplace these days than ever before. Communication has broken down so badly that some either barely speak or fight all the time. Control issues, insecurity, and disrespect have taken over and the couple are at odds with one another. Things have gotten so bad that the soulmates … Read more

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