Have Your Soulmates Feelings For You Changed?

Have Your Soulmates Feelings For You Changed?

Have your soulmates feelings for you changed? Everything was wonderful between you, now suddenly, out of nowhere, they announce they don’t feel the same way? Sadly, many soulmates experience this scenario all the time. Even though all soulmate connections and couples are different, this is a common occurrence for many. So let’s look at why … Read more

Losing Your Soulmate

Losing Your Soulmate

Losing your soulmate can be one of the worst, if not the worst, experiences in your life. Nothing seems to be as emotionally crippling as losing your soulmate. You know you can’t replace them. That unique connection you share with another human being is one of the greatest feelings in the world. But losing your … Read more

Has Your Soulmate Lost Their Feelings for You?

Has Your Soulmate Lost Their Feelings for You?

Has your soulmate lost their feelings for you? Have they gone from a loving, caring person to a cold, unfeeling one you no longer recognize? Soulmates, for many reasons, always seem to worry about the other losing their feelings. In some ways it’s understandable. You love your soulmate deeply and you feel deep into that … Read more

Soulmate Denial: When Your Soulmate Denies the Connection

Soulmate Denial: When Your Soulmate Denies the Connection

Soulmate denial is very real in many soulmate relationships. How can someone be in denial of such a strong connection? When you meet your soulmate, chances are one or both of you, will go through soulmate denial. For most soulmates, the unique emotional response, and super intense feelings, make them question everything that’s happening. FEAR … Read more

Ultimatums in Soulmate Relationships

Ultimatums in Soulmate Relationships

Ultimatums in soulmate relationships can be very effective, if used properly. Since soulmate relationships are all about achieving change and spiritual and personal growth, they can easily spin out of control. It is at these points, known as soulmate crisis points, that an ultimatum could turn the relationship around and get it back on track. … Read more

The Memory of a Soulmate and How It Affects You

The Memory of a Soulmate and How It Affects You

The memory of a soulmate affects different people in different ways. For some, the memory of a soulmate keeps them wondering what went wrong in their relationship. They can obsess on what they did wrong or what they could have done differently. Some also wonder if the whole thing was a figment of their imagination. … Read more

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