Are You in a Bad Soulmate Relationship?

Are You in a Bad Soulmate Relationship?

A bad soulmate relationship seems to be more commonplace these days than ever before. Communication has broken down so badly that some either barely speak or fight all the time. Control issues, insecurity, and disrespect have taken over and the couple are at odds with one another. Things have gotten so bad that the soulmates … Read more

Do You Forgive Everything Your Soulmate Does?

Do You Forgive Everything Your Soulmate Does?

Do you forgive everything your soulmate does? Do you believe it’s part of your soulmate journey to forgive everything they do or say? That’s a common misconception about soulmates. It is not required that you ignore all red flags. Nor should you lower your standards or fail to enforce boundaries. If you forgive everything they … Read more

Why are Soulmate Relationships so Difficult?

Why are Soulmate Relationships so Difficult?

Soulmate relationships are difficult. Who said they would be easy? There is a great misconception that soulmate relationships are filled with roses, candlelight dinners and long walks on the beach. And that there’s infinite talking, or texting, until wee hours of the morning, until the end of time. But this is simply just not true. … Read more

Will Your Soulmate Get Divorced?

Will Your Soulmate Get Divorced?

Will your soulmate get divorced so you can be together? Many people meet a soulmate who’s married to someone else. You try to keep the fires of the connection at bay. You don’t want to enter into an affair, that’s not like you. However, you can’t to seem to resist. The temptation is way to … Read more

Do You Idealize Your Soulmate? It’s Time to Stop!

Do You Idealize Your Soulmate?

Do you idealize your soulmate? Many people do, since the strong connection can easily overcome all logic. Intense emotions will cover a lot of their sins and transgressions. Red flags often go ignored because the focus is strictly on the good side of the relationship. It’s so easy to see only their good points and … Read more

When Your Soulmate is Married to Someone Else

When Your Soulmate is Married to Someone Else

When your soulmate is married to someone else, you may wonder if the universe is playing a sick joke on you. Your meeting had so much intensity. The connection is undeniable to both of you. Everything would be perfect if one, or both of you, wasn’t MARRIED. You weren’t looking to fall in love with … Read more

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